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Aerospace Propulsion Products brings together mechanical engineering and energetic systems engineering to supply innovative, robust, safe and competitive solutions.
APP is continuously looking for opportunities to apply our technology also outside the space market. For these markets APP offers the technology to produce hot or cool gasses based upon gas storage in solid state.
Our products and consumers:
From the start, APP has transferred space technology to other industries. More than ever, APP invests in new product development using her knowledge and experience in space.
Since 1996 APP produces hot gas generators that are applied in a dust explosion suppression system. Our customer is able to detect a dust explosion in embryonic stage. Further expansion of the starting explosion can be prevented by an extremely fast discharge of an extinguishing powder. The pressure required to achieve this velocity is provided by a so-called fast gas generator. The fast gas generator is an unpressurized system that is able to pressurize the dust explosion suppression system in just a few milliseconds after activation.
For our customer and based on their patented technology, APP has developed a dry aerosol based fire suppression system. An aerosol generator is a gas generator containing a solid compound. After activation this compound converts in a cloud of nano-particles; the aerosol fire extinguishing agent. The aerosol interferes with the chain reaction in the fire and stops this chain reaction. In cooperation with the customer, APP developed 5 different aerosol generators, depending on the dimensions protecting 1 to approximately 140 m3.
For our customer, APP has developed a cool gas generator that is used in a fire suppression system for cabinets and server racks. The cool gas generator is based upon technology patented by TNO.
The cool gas generator technology offers an alternative for the storage of gas under pressure that is small, non-pressurized, has no leakage and generates pure Nitrogen at ambient temperature. The gas is chemically stored in a solid charge and can be release by activating the gas generator. The generator for EXXFIRE produces a pure Nitrogen at ambient temperature, in this case 750 litre.